On the 10th April a good friend (Rob Bones) of ours posted on Facebook. 'Looking forward to the first Rally of the spring. A very select group of people attending'. Amongst the many comments I posted 'Hey there mate will there be a rally patch'. To which Rob replied. 'I had not thought of that'. So for a laugh I designed a patch and sent it over. A short conversation later and the idea was born. With the current restriction on travel and with the cancellation of all rallies. We felt there was an opportunity to sell the final designed patch (courtesy of John) and collect money of which 100% of all profits would be donated (after manufacturing cost) to the NHS Covid 19 appeal.
Following this we were asked by you - the bikers, to support the blood bikes as they are struggling at the moment as all of their traditional fundraising routes had been cut off due to the Covid-19 restrictions and we have were happy to oblige.
With the Help of some amazing people we now have a full range of blood bikes items including patches, pins, coasters, plaques, T-shirts, stickers and Mugs
We are now donating all further profits to the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes which will split the Donations between all the NABB registered Groups incl Ireland.
£10,000 to NHS appeal, £10,000 to Blood bikes & £1K to Mental Health Motorbike